
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Adrienne and Jesse's Wedding

Look at me, two blog posts in one week. Yay for me and my bad self! We'll I'm going a little bit out of order, but I guess what does it really matter. I did all of Adrienne and Jesse's formal pictures about a week or so before their wedding so that way they could enjoy more of their big day. I gotta say, not a bad idea! So I guess I'm out of order by posting their wedding before their formal shoot. That's ok, cause their wedding was just so dang cute. I LOVE weddings that are just a total party, and Adi and Jesse's totally was. It was a blast! I'll get working on their cute formals so we can all oooh and aww over how cute this couple is! In the mean time, feel free to ooh and aww over these! :)